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How Does an Ice Cream Plant Work?

Cold deserts like ice creams have undergone several changes during the past few decades. For centuries, we have been witnessing changes in refrigeration technology, ingredients, and raw materials based the latest eating trends. 

Among all cold treats, the ice cream seems to be the most complicated one since it is based on real ice. The absence of the electrical refrigeration system made things even more complex for the manufacturers. For over a thousand years, ice creams were viewed as status symbols for those that occupied a high and wealthy social position. 

Raw materials considered for the ice cream manufacturing:

Dairy products comprise of butterfat, cream, milk, eggs, flavorings, sugar as well as some additives that are approved to restrict the formation of ice crystals while the ice cream gets created. Air provides ice creams the much-needed ability to shed seemingly heavy materials and absorb flavoring.

Steps of Production:

1. The main steps constitute blending of materials, pasteurizing or eradicating harmful bacteria and homogenizing or breaking the flat globules apart by mixing the cream. These processes are meant to help the mixture turn uniform and smooth.

2. The mixture is allowed to cool down and settle for about four hours after it acquires fruit purees, colors, and flavors.

3. A barrel freezing machine acquires the mixture and eventually solidifies a part of the water crystals turning the mixture harder. The machine pumps clean air through the ice cream which constitutes above 50% of its entire volume. The ice cream won’t feel soft if the air is not present in its structure.

4. The final mix of toppings accompanies the semi-frozen state of the mixture.

5. Ice cream is packaged and blast frozen to a temperature from -30 to -40 degrees Celsius.

With Marco Polo’s return, the continent of Europe got introduced to the new recipe of ice creams based on milk that the traveler witnessed in China. The history of modern ice creams began since the recipe got tried and tested in some European ice cream plant. With time, it became more popular and expanded fast with the launch of the electrical refrigeration. 

Manufacturing the modern ice creams in bulks within some urban ice cream factory had started at a time when the American government started dispatching varying rations to Allied troops during the World War II.  The rations comprised of the new American ice cream very frequently. It soon became a prominent item for promotion in Hollywood movies across the globe.